1) How to find the menu path for a given transaction code?
You can use the transaction code search_sap_menu to find the SAP MENU .
It is important to note that there is no transaction code available to find the path of the IMG transaction.
2) How to protect a program from the debugging ?
If you want to protect a program against debugging, you just have to set the STATUS = S in the attributes view of the main program.
3) What is the main problem with the date in BDC ?
If you are working with BDC suppose a call transaction method , and populate the BDCDATA table. It is important to see the format of the date fields , they are coming into the system .You should pass the DATE FIELDS of any transaction by formatting it as mm/dd/yyyy because if you pick this data from database it will be of the format 20030505 or something like that. Make sure You pass this value as character field.
Same is true for the "Rate Fields". Make sure you pass them as "Character Fields" by formatting them.
4) What are the available BDC function codes & how can I know them ?
Go to the program RSBDCCUA and run it for any platform say 'WN' for windows or MC for Mac and it will generate list of function codes .
5) What are some sample Direct input data transfer programs?
See these are the programs for the data transfer in the following areas
MM - for Material Master data - RMDATIND
FI - for Accounting Documents - RFBIBL00
PP - for Independent requirements - RM06IN00
CA - for Classification data - RCCLBI03
We need to download an internal table to the Presentation Server(local workstation). Whenever we run the program, the same file has to be saved as a separate file in sequential order. Ex: 0001.txt, 0002.txt etc.
6) Where can we store the last file number?
SAP has a table TVARV for storing the variants. A record may be created in TVARV for all the programs that require this kind of incremental records. For Ex: the record could be 100Zmm10001 MM sequence rec where first part consists of client code and the program being run. Client code is required because TVARV does not has a field for client code. The second part is the description indicating the purpose what the record is created. This entire string may be posted in the Name field (char - 30).The Type field ( char- 1) may be populated with P or S (Parameter or Selection)
Low field (char- 45) may be populated with '0001' when run first time and increment it by one in your program for downloading of the internal table.
7) How can we transport the standard text?
A: Refer note 3355 in OSS for a complete explanation. The SAPscript objects that should be transported must be written in a transport request.The entries are as follows:
R3TR FORM NAME (NAME = Name of the layout set)
R3TR STYL NAME (NAME = Name of the style)
OBJECT = Text object,
NAME = Text name,
ID = Text ID,
L = Text language
If you want to transport a number of texts, you can use report RSTXTRAN to insert the individual text keys into a correction. The transport request must be entered and released via the transport system.
8) How to find what transactions a particular user was running for a given period in the past (Eg: from 1st of a month )?
You may use the transaction – STAT
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